The role of an Appointor in a Discretionary Trust Deed or Family Trust is important as they have the power to decide who the trustee is in the deed. We often come across trust deeds for clients who are not sure who the Appointor is. It’s vital that you find out who is the nominated person and ensure they are the correct person to hold this position. If there’s someone appointed in the role that you do not want in that position, they can potentially change the trustee without any authority of the current trustee and then potentially get control of that trust. It’s extremely important to review the trust deed or get advice to make sure the correct person is appointed. If we can offer any advice for your situation please get in touch.

Do you have a shareholders agreement in place for your business?
Are you covered for events like insolvency, bankruptcy, or if a shareholder becomes incapacitated? Its important to cover yourself as unfortunately these things can happen. Camille explains what is a Shareholders Agreement and why you should have one in place.

The legislation regarding Electronic Signatures on documents has just been amended in NSW. This is fantastic news as it allows witnessing of wills, powers of attorney, enduring guardianship, deeds or agreements, affidavits and statutory declarations to be done via video link.

On Tuesday 7 April the National Cabinet has agreed on a mandatory commercial tenancy code for any business who has a turnover of $50 million or less and who is also eligible for the JobKeeper program.

In these times of social distancing, the days may seem to be merging into one. Staying at home for long periods of time can be challenging, especially for our mental health.Here are a few tips of things that may help to get through each day: