Going to Court can be expensive, emotionally draining and nerve wracking, but sometimes you may not have a choice. We take a look at why you should not be afraid to go to Court.

In the final guide to purchasing property, we take a look at what happens after the settlement and the keys are handed over. Now the moving in fun can begin!

In the final guide to selling property, we take a look at what happens after the settlement and all the steps that are involved.

In Part 8 of our guide to purchasing property, we take a look at the settlement and all the steps that are involved. Including when settlement takes place, what fees are due and the fun part…when you can collect the keys!

Inevitably, separation involves one party moving out of the matrimonial home. When doing so, it may be impractical for the moving party to take all of their items with them. So what are your options if your ex has moved out and left there stuff?

In Part 7 of our guide to selling property, we take a look at the settlement and all the steps that are involved.

The first question that we are usually asked when a person is seeking assistance with a deceased estate is whether or not a Grant of Probate is needed.

The answer depends on the type and value of assets held by the person at the time they passed away.

Prior to settlement you are entitled to conduct a final inspection of the purchase property and to receive the property in the same state as when you first inspected and exchanged the contracts

Parenting in the digital era is becoming increasingly challenging. This difficult parenting space can become even more challenging when parents are separated.

Legal jargon can be confusing and we often get asked by our clients “but what does that mean?”.

In our new series on the A – Z of Family Law we’ll go through the commonly used terms for each letter of the alphabet.