Unfortunately, many of those who are looking for legal advice and assistance in family law upon separation have also experienced, criminal proceedings in the Local Court or District Courts. What happens in criminal proceedings may affect the outcome of your parenting or property proceedings. Read more in our article…

On 1 January 2023, the Retail Leases Regulation 2022 (the “Regulation”) commenced, offering further inclusions for the types of businesses included under Schedule 1 of the Retail Leases Act 1994 (the “Act”).

Gyms and bars now fall under the definition of retail shop and are the latest beneficiary of stronger protections provided under the Act.

Couples who want financial security can enter into a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) at any time during their relationship, this is dependent upon the nature and stage of their relationship. In a Binding Financial Agreement a couple can set out how their property and other assets would be divided if they were to separate. Read more in our article…

Couples who want financial security can enter into a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) at any time during their relationship, this is dependent upon the nature and stage of their relationship. In a Binding Financial Agreement a couple can set out how their property and other assets would be divided if they were to separate. Read more in our article…

Do you have issues with trees on a neighbouring property? Are your neighbour’s trees causing damage to your property or impacting your views? Trees on private property in NSW are governed by the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006 (the “Act”). Read our latest blog to find out more

Many couples ask the question “when do we legally become a de facto couple and when can my partner make a claim upon my assets”? So when is your relationship considered de facto?